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- rem [
- rem Name: %M%
- rem
- rem Derived from: (original)
- rem
- rem Author: Clive Standbridge
- rem
- rem Created on: July 1997
- rem
- rem Sccs ID: %W% %G%
- rem
- rem Coding Stds:
- rem
- rem Purpose: Selectively deletes Windows 95 registry keys.
- rem
- rem Parameters: 1 host OS type i.e. "mac" or "unix"
- rem 2 new serial number (8 hex digits)
- rem 3 old serial number (8 hex digits)
- rem 4 Host System name
- rem 5 Host System release
- rem 6 Host System version
- rem 7 Host System hardware type
- rem
- rem Copyright 1997 Insignia Solutions PLC. All rights reserved.
- rem ]
- rem Version stamp for SoftWindows95 4.0 Windows 95 disks.
- rem If old version is lower than this then either the disk predates this
- rem upgrade scheme, or we are upgrading from DOS or Windows 3.x.
- rem In both cases we want to force all devices to be updated.
- set sw9540ver=0xF4000018
- rem Device version IDs. When a device's .INF file changes, update its
- rem version ID here.
- set ISL060A_ver=%sw9540ver%
- set ISL0901_ver=0xF4000043
- set ISL0902_ver=%sw9540ver%
- set ISL0F0D_ver=%sw9540ver%
- set ISLA02B_ver=%sw9540ver%
- set ISLB007_ver=0xF4000052
- rem Deletions: modify regedit for original Windows 95, use standard for OSR2.
- set regedit=regedit
- ver | find "4.00.950" >nul:
- if errorlevel 1 goto no_insreged
- set regedit=c:\insignia\insreged.exe
- c:\insignia\inspatch c:\insignia\patch.pat c:\windows\regedit.exe c:\insignia\insreged.exe >>c:\insignia\up.log
- :no_insreged
- rem Mask the old version number. We are interested in the major & minor
- rem revision and the OS level, but not the language.
- ibatch oldVersion = 0x%3 & 0xff000fff #010lx
- echo %0: old serial no.="%3" oldVersion="%oldVersion%" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Force Insignia drivers to be updated as necessary.
- rem Devices will be updated from .INF files.
- rem
- rem When a device's .INF file changes, the test for whether to update
- rem the device should be altered to test against the disk revision
- rem corresponding to the .INF file change.
- rem ESDI
- itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISL060A_ver%
- if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL060A" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Display
- REM Don't force this while it is set up in Win95.
- REM Uncomment this section if & when it is set up in DOS.
- REM itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISL0901_ver%
- REM if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL0901" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Monitor
- itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISL0902_ver%
- if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL0902" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Mouse
- REM Don't force this while it is set up in Win95.
- REM Uncomment this section if & when it is set up in DOS.
- REM itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISL0F0D_ver%
- REM if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL0F0D" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem CD-ROM
- itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISLA02B_ver%
- if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISLA02B" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Native sound
- itest %oldVersion% "<" %ISLB007_ver%
- if errorlevel 1 %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISLB007" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem Pre-4.0 disk: clean up registry for sound drivers
- itest %oldVersion% "<" %sw9540ver%
- if not errorlevel 1 goto no_sound
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\midi" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\wave" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\mixer" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- :no_sound
- rem Fix Sound Blaster config (trashed by native sound driver).
- itest %oldVersion% ">=" %sw9540ver%
- if not errorlevel 1 goto no_sblast
- itest %oldVersion% "<" 0xF4000049
- if not errorlevel 1 goto no_sblast
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*PNPB001" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*PNPB002" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*PNPB003" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*PNPB006" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- :no_sblast
- call delreg_c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\Root *PNP0901
- call delreg_c HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config\0001\Display Settings UpgradeToDefaultMode
- rem Remove WarnVerDLL entries from registry which causes warning panels to
- rem appear after installing some apps. Two values, WINASPI.DLL and mcicda.drv
- rem are removed. Removal of mcicda.drv has no apparent effect.
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\WarnVerDLLs" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem The following adjustments are only for upgrades of Insignia Windows 95 disks.
- rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- itest %oldVersion% ">=" 0xF0000000
- if not errorlevel 1 goto no_force
- ibatch oldOS = 0x%3 & 0xf000 #010lx
- itest %oldOS% ">=" 0x3000
- if not errorlevel 1 goto no_force
- rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
- rem Remove forced configuration for display adapter ie use configuration
- rem reported by our pnp bios instead.
- rem - equivalent to ticking the 'Use automatic settings' box.
- rem Required for upgrades from SoftWindows 95 4.0 disks.
- rem --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %regedit% /e c:\insignia\temp1.reg "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL0901\10" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- %regedit% /d "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\BIOS\*ISL0901\10" >>c:\insignia\up.log
- find /i /v """ForcedConfig""=" < c:\insignia\temp1.reg > c:\insignia\temp2.reg
- %regedit% c:\insignia\temp2.reg >>c:\insignia\up.log
- echo.>>c:\insignia\up.log
- del c:\insignia\temp*.reg >>c:\insignia\up.log
- :no_force